Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Radical" Steps Need to Be Taken to End the NHL Lockout

Sidney Crosby Wrapping Up a Practice at Southepointe
Showing Solidarity By Wearing an NHLPA "Sweater"
News has been very slow coming out of both the NHLPA and the NHL camps when it comes to any type of "progress" in the labor discussion.  This lack of progress has NHL fans everywhere sweating bullets.  Everyone (including myself) is concerned that the league that doesn't seem to care about negating an entire season will pull that proverbial trigger again and send all NHL fans into a winter-long depression.  However, is there hope on the horizon?  Will the owners cave?  Lets be honest...if you have followed the NFL and/or the NBA lockout of recent memory you will know that the owners hold all of the leverage in a bargaining situation.  They are already billionaires that are getting paid regardless.  Its the players that rely on the owners to pay their salaries and to help them make a living for themselves and their families.  Obviously, the owners can survive without the players, but the players struggle without the owners.  Sure, players can go overseas and play in the KHL, Swedish Leagues, or even travel around North America in a "Pro Tour" type atmosphere.  NONE of those options are even close the NHL. 

With that being said, it might be time for a "Radical" step to be taken to actually getting a deal done, or at least the wheels moving.  Every report out of negotiations thus far have been the same: "Revenue and Financial Issues" haven't been discussed.  A report yesterday stated that the NHLPA was gearing up for a "radical proposal" to be given to the owners at Tuesday's bargaining session.  To me, that is encouraging.  At least the players realize that nothing will change unless they are the ones to make change happen.  The players are the ones that are going to have to show concessions to get this deal done, and hopefully this new proposal will do just that.

I am not expecting a deal to be finalized today, or even this week, but what I do hope for is that the wheels will be set into motion that will eventually lead to a deal.  The NHL and the owners WILL lockout the season if the players don't cave in some way, shape, or form.  I know from a fans perspective that simply "Unfollowing" the NHL on Twitter, or sending emails, or even the stoppage of buying team apparel will do NOTHING.  Fans are the ones who get screwed in this whole ordeal.  Lets just hope that there is a small light at the end of this long and dark tunnel.  Lord knows all I want to see is Geno and Sid skating around in Penguins sweaters making the the statement "Its a HOCKEY NIGHT in Pittsburgh!" true again...

1 comment:

  1. It's being reported that the owners just offered the players a 50/50 split in revenue. Let's hope this gets signed off on by the NHLPA, or at least gets them closer to a resolution. I miss hockey.

    P.S. Bettman said that if everything is resolved by 11/2, they can get 82 games in. Fingers crossed!


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