Wednesday, August 21, 2013

When It Comes to "The Streak", Its Only the Fans

Time to Turn that Frown Upside Down!
This morning when typing up the Pirates recap of their win against the Padres, I finished up with the fact that the Pittsburgh Pirates could end their dreaded streak of 20 straight seasons with a losing record THIS MONTH if they could somehow win 8 of their next 10 games.  Thats a tall task for any MLB team, but even though the streak might continue into September, I'd put my house down that the streak ends this year.  This is a touchy subject with alot of Pirate fans.  Some might see that as crazy...after all, we are rooting for the same team.  Nonetheless, fans "priorities" get called into question when they speak of nothing other than breaking "the streak".  Some fans clamor stating that the playoffs and a World Series championship should ALWAYS be the goal...not just winning more than you lose.  Both sides have validation.  Both sides have conviction.  Both sides are very adamant that their side is correct.  Well, I'm not here to settle this debate.  What I am here to say is that regardless of the goal being to end "the streak", or to make the postseason since 1992...the players don't care.

You can tell when the Pittsburgh Pirate players get questions about the 20 years of losing in the city.  There facial expression changes to one of angst and pure annoyance.  The players give the standard sound bytes "We all want to win...we want to win for the city...this city deserves this."  "We want to bring a championship back to the city and its fans."  I could go on and one.  The simple fact of the matter is that the players don't care about 20 years of losing in the Pirates organization.  For crying out loud alot of the current roster was barely enrolled in school when the losing began.  Now don't get me wrong...the players care about losing.  They want to win, but they don't care about the history of losing within a franchise that most have only spent a few years within.  There might only be one exception to this train of thought, and that is Neil Walker.  Why is Neil Walker any different from the rest of the clubhouse that I just claimed "could care less" about "the streak"?  He is from Pittsburgh.  This man has lived what the fans have lived as he has always been a Pirates fan.  Interview the Pirates clubhouse and ask who their favorite teams were growing up and Walker will probably be the only player that says "The Pittsburgh Pirates". 

This streak is all about the fans, not the players.  Sure, the players have to win the baseball games, but the fans are the ones that are putting so much stock into win #82.  The players see this as just a stepping stone to the bigger goal of a division title, playoff berth, and a playoff run that could bring some gold back to the steel city.  I for one, can say that I've always wanted "the streak" to end, but I never saw that as the goal.  People ask me all the time "What are you going to do when they win 82 games??"  My answer is always the same, "Get ready for win #83 and be excited about a playoff berth."  Some fans on twitter have said they are going to throw parties, some say they are going to go and riot in the streets (I highly doubt that), and others are like me who just say its another win.  Regardless of where you fall within the scenario of the Pirates ending the streak, ALL Pirates fans should find solace in the fact that this thing could end in the month of August.  Be happy that the Pirates are not just ending the streak, but are obliterating expectations as they cling to a division lead that could equal some really exciting times in the Steel City come late September and October.  I am encouraged with this team...not just for the present, but for the future as well.  Lets Go Bucs!

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