Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pirates Front Office Sticking to Their Word

The "Brain Trust" of the Pittsburgh Pirates
It seems fitting that I write this article today.  Not because the Pirates just won their 81st game, but because the Pittsburgh acquisitions (Justin Morneau, Marlon Byrd, and John Buck) have been paying huge dividends for this team since coming to the Steel City.  The once maligned Pittsburgh Pirates front office is now being applauded by its fan base, and I even saw some fans suggesting that Neil Huntington should be a consideration for General Manager of the Year.  That might be a little much, but Huntington has done what he should have done, and that is fill the gaping holes that the Pirates had in their lineup...and its paying off.  Due to the acquisitions, the Pirates lineup not only improved, but now the bench has been solidified.  No longer will Garrett Jones be asked to be an everyday player, but a spot starter and a platoon man.  No longer is Josh Harrison the only man on the bench that can play.  These acquisitions helped the team in multiple ways. 

Morneau and Byrd are both coming off multi hit games, where Byrd had 2 RBIs on the night.  This performance has people applauding the moves and wondering where this team might be without them.  The one thing that is infuriating for me, is the fact that there are still people out there yelling and screaming about how "tight" and "cheap" Bob Nutting and the rest of the front office seem to be.  I will never say that I haven't said those same words, but at the same time, Nutting told us his vision of the team last year after the collapse.  He said that he would open up the bank account when this team proves that it can be a contender.  Wonder why they didn't go for broke at the trade deadline?  Well, last year's team collapsed at this very time.  Wonder why the Pirates waited until late August to make the acquisitions of Byrd, Buck, and Morneau?  There was no real sign that this team wouldn't fall off like the past 2 seasons.  As the front office promised, when they saw this team was a true contender, the Pirates made the moves.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I agree with the fact that they waited this long to make these acquisitons.  I thought Morneau should have been acquired once he cleared waivers, but Pirates fans shouldn't be surprised.  After all, the front office told us this was their plan.  Nutting always said he would pay when the team was a contender.  They are, and he did.  Agree or disagree, this was the ultimate decision made, and as fans, we are forced to live with it.  Nontheless, even with all the upheaval over the lack of moves and the timing of moves, at least THIS YEAR the Pirates made good moves that are paying dividends, and hopefully will keep paying off down the stretch.  

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